Your first Progressive Web App

Your first Progressive Web App

7. Use service workers to cache the forecast data

Choosing the right caching strategy for your data is vital and depends on the type of data your app presents. For example, time-sensitive data like weather or stock quotes should be as fresh as possible, while avatar images or article content can be updated less frequently.

The cache-first-then-network strategy is ideal for our app. It gets data on screen as quickly as possible, then updates that once the network has returned the latest data. In comparison to network-first-then-cache, the user does not have to wait until the fetch times out to get the cached data.

Cache-first-then-network means we need to kick off two asynchronous requests, one to the cache and one to the network. Our network request with the app doesn’t need to change much, but we need to modify the service worker to cache the response before returning it.

Under normal circumstances, the cached data will be returned almost immediately providing the app with recent data it can use. Then, when the network request returns, the app will be updated using the latest data from the network.

Intercept the network request and cache the response

We need to modify the service worker to intercept requests to the weather API and store their responses in the cache, so we can easily access them later. In the cache-then-network strategy, we expect the network response to be the ‘source of truth’, always providing us with the most recent information. If it can’t, it’s OK to fail because we’ve already retrieved the latest cached data in our app.

In the service worker, let’s add a dataCacheName so that we can separate our applications data from the app shell. When the app shell is updated and older caches are purged, our data will remain untouched, ready for a super fast load. Keep in mind, if your data format changes in the future, you’ll need a way to handle that and ensure the app shell and content stay in sync.

Add the following line to the top of your service-worker.js file:

var dataCacheName = 'weatherData-v1';

Next, we need to modify the fetch event handler to handle requests to the data API separately from other requests.

self.addEventListener('fetch', function(e) {
  console.log('[ServiceWorker] Fetch', e.request.url);
  var dataUrl = '';
  if (e.request.url.indexOf(dataUrl) === 0) {
    // Put data handler code here
  } else {
      caches.match(e.request).then(function(response) {
        return response || fetch(e.request);

The code intercepts the request and checks if the URL starts with the address of the weather API. If it does we’ll use fetch to make the request. Once the response is returned, our code opens the cache, clones the response, stores it in the cache, and finally returns the response to the original requestor.

Next, replace // Put data handler code here with the code below:

    .then(function(response) {
      return {
        cache.put(e.request.url, response.clone());
        console.log('[ServiceWorker] Fetched&Cached Data');
        return response;

Our app won’t work offline quite yet. We’ve implemented caching and retrieval for the app shell, but even though we’re caching the data, we’re still dependant on the network.

Making the requests

As mentioned previously, the app needs to kick off two asynchronous requests, one to the cache and one to the network. The app uses the caches object available in window to access the cache and retrieve the latest data. This is an excellent example of progressive enhancement as the caches object may not be available in all browsers, and if it’s not the network request should still work.

To do this, we need to:

  1. Check if the caches object is available in the global window object.
  2. Request data from the cache.
    • If the server request is still outstanding, update the app with the cached data.
  3. Request data from the server.
    • Save the data for quick access later.
    • Update the app with the fresh data from the server.

Track pending requests

First, let’s add the flag we’ll use to prevent the cache from updating the app in the rare case that the XHR responds before the cache. Add hasRequestPending: false, (make sure to include the trailing comma) to the top of the app object definition in the scripts/app.js file.

Get data from the cache

Next, we need to check if the caches object exists and request the latest data from it. Add the following code to app.getForecast, before the // Make the XHR to get the data, then update the card comment:

if ('caches' in window) {
  caches.match(url).then(function(response) {
    if (response) {
      response.json().then(function(json) {
        // Only update if the XHR is still pending, otherwise the XHR
        // has already returned and provided the latest data.
        if (app.hasRequestPending) {
          console.log('updated from cache');
          json.key = key;
          json.label = label;

Update hasRequestPending flag

Finally, we need to update the app.hasRequestPending flag. Just after the comment about making the XHR, add app.hasRequestPending = true;

Then, in the onreadystatechange XHR response handler, just before app.updateForecastCard(response), set app.hasRequestPending = false;

Our weather app now makes two asynchronous requests for data, one from the cache and one via an XHR. If there’s data in the cache, it’ll be returned and rendered extremely quickly (tens of milliseconds) and update the card only if the XHR is still outstanding. Then, when the XHR responds, the card will be updated with the freshest data direct from the weather API.

If for some reason, the XHR responds faster than the cache, the hasRequestPending flag will prevent the cache from over writing the latest data from the network.

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